

Dogs and Me
Dogs!!!For some people dogs are cute as hell for some they are night mares.
I am in the 2nd category.
(Gonna share some of my experiences with dogs)
Those who are in 1st category don't get offended.
I am not sure but it maybe last year or 2 years before but I remember the incident.
It was I think summer vacation ,I was in my native town , my grandmother's house. I actually don't know much about the streets there I am not familiar with the streets.
I was with my grandmother who was visiting her friend. Her friend's house was behind our house many streets far. We went there. I was getting bored so I asked my grandmother should I go back home.
She said yes. But the problem starts from here.
As I told I am not familiar with those roads, so I just started roaming.

To be continued....

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