

Not The Same
At some point of time or maybe the whole life, it's felt as if there's none who can understand you, there's no one who can match the thoughts with yours or you can't compromise suppressing your opinions. Same happened with Madhavan - a lonely wolf whose life was always been this way.
Intially he thought it's his mistake to be this way like hating some social gatherings , group settings , unable to connect well with those who are very different nature from him, can't be friends with many people , having some trust issues, etc . People often assumed him as cold with a stoic face, basically a robot. Later he tried to change himself, acted as an extrovert, cheerful and funny , tried to talk to many ppl thinking maybe it'll help him however it turned out to drain his energy so much and got exhausted in this process . Thus realising that nothing is gonna work the other way around, can't change his personality and better accepted himself for what he is. Now that he understood he's not some alien kid or something who's unusual or not fine but just a person with some different thoughts and opinions, having different interests and ideas, a man with his own mind; that's it nothing more weird than this to be worried about.
This took a long time to finally be understood but still was worth it as never too late , now he's living a content life with his own mind and original actions.

© RR
( BG credits :personality unleashed)

#personality #notthesame #oddlydifferent #cold