

Delicate Conversations: In you, life
A wise man once told me,

"Don't crave anything you have no capacity for. It'll ruin your soul, leave you broken and unsure, confused why you wanted it at all. I understand we want things, we want to be fulfilled, that we covet everything we believe we deserve with no work at all, with no effort involved, just wishes after wishes building dreams on sand until the ocean invades the shore, washing it all away till there's no more but greed, an unsightly horror...

I've noticed leaders fall yearning for positions with no comprehension of the blood, no discernment of the struggle for such a triumphant demeanor to pour. Just materials to hoard, to quench when he's bored, to be Lord, until he cuts the cord, Relinquishing his humanity ascending to god, till death humbles his divinity with a statement "You're no different, you're just like the rest of them".

Take your time in this life, build for legacy not the moment, we have aimless children, because aimless men thought money fame and power would maintain them, but where's the substance? where's the potent message to deliver a generation? what leader has no one else in his vision? then who is he leading to claim such a title with no people to fill his kingdom? such foolishness should be questioned... but heed me well, leadership is not a position, there are better man who transformed lives but you've never heard of them.. My Son leadership is not a title bestowed, but a responsibility embraced to serve, to inspire and empower to leave a legacy of better men and women behind to carry the mantle... seek substance rely on God as your guide, there's no trauma or ill will in his mind to lead you through a realm of brokenness with no lesson to restore your life, he has no intention to accept you are less when in your soul everything that keeps the universe alive lives inside.. take your time son, take your time"

© fruitfulodyssey