

I feel my heart is wrenching and ask myself is it all worth it?
The pain... the crying... the anguish...
All of this because of you
How can you say you love me
Yet all you do is hurt me
You promised me you'd help me
Be everything I needed you to be
You promised to protect me
Always be there for me
Yet the only thing I ever see
Is a hatred you must have for me
Even tho you say you love me
Your actions speak so differently
Remember what you promised me
In that letter that you wrote to me
You said somehow youd make me see
The beauty thats inside of me
Said I was as pretty as a springtime rose
That I had a heart of gold
and being with me was your only goal
Your words made us seem like a fairy tale
You promised me heaven then put me thru hell
Why'd you pick me up just to knock me right back down
You made me want to live
Just to make me wanna die
I was contemplating suicide
The night you came into my life
You made me want to live again
You even made me smile again
made the darkness fade away as the light starts shining in
You were my bestfriend
How could you do this to me
After everything ive been thru
Everything ive done for you
No one has ever hurt me as much as you
All ive ever done is loved you
I want so bad for you just to love me to
To be good enough for you
I want to be the one
Thats everything you want and more
The only girl that has your eyes
Your attention and your time
I want to be everything to you that you are to me
I just wish somehow id be good enough to make you truely love me
But god knows ill never be
Thats whats killing me
I hate being me
I Just want you to love me

© sabrianna denton