

Dark Urges of My Brethren
I find myself,
who once was lost,
amid some dreary night.
To be of strength,
and courage,
no doubt,
to always be of the light.
No matter how wrong
some dreary soul is,
although thinks itself is right,
so little does this little soul know,
regardless of its plight,
that God Almighty
will give one strength,
will be emboldened by His might.
Headstrong and unabated
unabashed it is thus fated,
that for God's blessings
you will be hated.
Your loving strength it marches,
through their hearts it was paraded.
While slogging through the darkest waters,
and soon through it they waded.
To ultimately see,
how we're all one,
that undoubtedly we are related.
That a hand from above,
shows nothing but Love,
and you will never be unaided.
Though some unfortunately
fail to grasp,
the comforting hand.
is much belated.
I'd give it all away,
my earthly riches traded,
To see the dark urges
of my brethren,
finally at long last sated.
To rest eternally with the knowledge,
that not just to me,
but to God they are related.
And then one day,
one glorious day,
arm in arm we all paraded,
through the loving heart of God,
OUR darkness finally sated.
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