

Dear childhood, when we first met,
I saw my world in your eyes a soulmate connection
Your nature made me stronger
Strong enough to lead a divine life
And I was inspired to say...
Hi, childhood

You smiled back at me
A smile that reflected my life's scent
a scent that pulled me closer to you
Your gentle touch gave me hope to live in this chaotic world

But then your home was a place of fear
Where love was scarce and tears were always near
And darkness took flight

But now realise I shouldn't have said hi
Behind that fake smile, there was hate

That lovely look you gave me,
Silenced my laughter and shattered my heart
Trust was broken

Your gentle touch gave me sweet evil blessings
Now I have memories that bring only shame
I walked on eggshells, to avoid the pain
But it followed me, like a constant rain
Now a childhood lost and a heart in pain

I didn't see your care
Your love was gone
Only I could see was your hate and pain
My cry was silent in the rain that hid my tears

You made me look ugly to other people
You made me a bad person
Your home was like a prison
I wasn't afraid of darkness
But you left me there
In the darkness where I felt lonely and afraid
You went away, childhood

You didn't show me my father
You didn't show me a mother's love
I was like an orphan
You gave a traumatic experience
You challenged me to live
You neglected me
I was lonely, isolated
You are a horrible childhood

A little girl, with a heart so bright
Found comfort in her solitude

But time heals wounds, and love restores
A heart once broken, now roars
With every breath, a new chance born
A childhood painful, but a life reborn

I searched for solace, in a world of unkind
But found only shadows, that left her blind
But still, I dreamed, of life anew

Where love and laughter, would see me through
I held on tight, to a glimmer of hope
And slowly began, to cope
I found my voice and learned to speak
I rose strong and began to shine

And left the darkness, far behind
Now a woman, with a heart full of light
She guides others, through the dark of night
Her story told, is one of courage true
A testament to, the strength she holds.

© P.jelilah