

The Lads of Quraish and Yadava: Prophet Muhammad and Krishna

In the realm of legends and faith's embrace,
Reside two souls, of virtue and grace.
Krishna, a revered figure with love's hand,
And Muhammad, the prophet across the land.

Krishna, adorned in hues so bright,
With a message of love and inner light.
Through the melody of His flute's sweet sound,
He spread joy and peace all around.

Prophet Muhammad, a guiding light,
In wisdom and mercy, shining bright.
His words of love and unity soared,
Through trials and triumphs, he implored.

Both carried messages of love and peace,
Their teachings seeking strife's release.
Their paths may differ, but hearts unite,
In pursuit of truth's eternal light.

Krishna, the symbol of love and grace,
Muhammad, the prophet's guiding embrace.
Together, they inspire hearts to mend,
Uniting souls, a bond that'll never end.
© Mohammed yusuf