

she waits in blackened silence
tests the leather that bonds her
anticipation absorbs her thoughts
her slick buttery curious sex
betrays her camouflaged hunger

He knows too much of her, she thinks
His voice a mandate to melt
to submit all, leaving little behind
every sigh a testament
every moan a gift to her Master

she waits and wonders if He is watching
licks her lips and shifts upon the bed
the fire between her legs burns hot
as she remembers His wicked tongue
licking it way to the core of her pleasure

He knows she needs nourishment
and has carefully prepared a tray
kiwi, mango, papaya, grapes, and pear
persimmon, strawberries, and watermelon
finger fed to His beloved pet

she waits smiling at His attention
relinquishing all her will
she finds comfort in His dominion
freedom from worldly circumstance
in the rituals they lovingly share

He knows she is ready now to begin
He circles a nipple with His finger
much too gentle, only a tease
she wishes for the tightened clamps
to close around her impatient tips

she waits with bated breath
as His finger slowly slithers
over belly and nestles
between engorged pink lips
submerged in moist Ecstasy

He knows the passion in her loins
and a flicking tongue replaces finger
but just a taste till she moans
then nothing, as He surveys
His prey safely tangled in web

she waits not knowing what's to come
a primal throb alive between soft thighs
helpless to ease the budding ache
to feel His power touch her womb
and flood her with His molten pleasure

He knows the hunger of her painted lips
and fills her insatiable mouth with cock
she almost cums from taste of Master
whimpers when He withdraws
wanting Him more each passing minute

she waits and wonders who she was
before He chained her to His heart
warm thoughts shocked away
by cube of ice between full breasts
it slithers down and buries in her lava

He knows she belongs to Him
in body, mind, and soul
there are no forbidden entrances
as His finger, wet from her desire,
slides deep into her narrow passage

she waits in muffled moaning
aching for an orifice to be filled
as deeply as He fills her very being
she tests the unbreakable leather
a needy whimper escapes her lips

He knows her mighty longing
cannot be forsaken for ever
yet, He will not be rushed by her
nor will He deviate His plan
until sweet anguish wets the sheets

she waits because she has no choice
but to wallow in her appetite
as His lips close about a nipple
and teeth graze the firmed flesh
sending shivers to her loin

He knows the power of His presence
how He melts her with just a glance
above all else He cherishes her gift
with his love He helps her bloom
a banquet of beauty is her aura

she waits no more and cries out
"Please Sir, fuck me now!"
He merely smiles at her begging
and whispers in a deep low voice
"Who gave you permission to speak?"

He knows the limits of her edge
and guides her to ecstasy
hands now touch, a warm roam
up and down over breasts
and skimming her shaved mound

she waits in muffled darkness
silenced by His chastisement
her sweet surrender paramount
to the substance of her being
He is forever in her heart

He knows the confusion of hot and cold
a single white candle and cube of ice
both drip upon her fair white skin
makes circles around her sensual breasts
then drizzle onto her hardened tips

she waits and shudders at the sensation
and wonders when He'll take His pleasure
needing that familiar burn as dry cock
is slicked with her flowing river
and buries deep inside her quivering sex

He knows she is ripe for picking
her fruity musk fills the room
wetting the sheets beneath her bottom
a tongue, wide and soft, laps lovingly
between open pink treasured lips

she waits and squeezes against His fingers
now penetrating her sacred tightness
she feels the twinge of orgasm tightening
about her clit now sucked between His lips
"Please, oh please, Master may I cum?"

He knows she cannot stem the tide
of long awaited pleasure He has denied
simple "yes," given as He fills her pussy
her chest flushed red as she screams
and struggles helplessly against the ties

She waits now lost within herself
as her Master throbs inside her
a smear of breathless kisses
as He erupts within her pleasing depths
a spinning vortex of hedonistic pleasure

He knows the soreness bondage brings
and quickly unties His treasured pet
allows her a stretch before He turns her
anoints her with a warmed soothing oil
massaging her till she falls asleep

she waits for Him in her dreams

© MaxineDee © Dom
19:08 07/03/22 🌴