

Beautiful Life
Such was a moment
In which flowers and birds
Gleefully gather
Under the magnificent sky..
Never have I seen such a golden sky

Never have I seen..
.. Nor have I ever heard..
Such a glorious sight
A glorious sight indeed!

Ah yes, I remember when the sky
Was filled with pots of roses
I remember the butterflies
Fluttering in glee
As if the god of music himself
Was humming such a gentle tune

There I was when it began to rain
And there I was sitting therein
Thoughts scrambling across the vein
Music escaping the heart and the soul

There I was when the rain stops dropping
And then we gathered and started talking
Old friends who were separated with time
Oh dear good friends, good friends of mine!

I remember when the sky was pink
As leaves, they fly away into the abyss
I remember when the birds were full
As the worms played by the pool
No fear, no sins
None seen, none have been

And I thought to myself
As I saw the faces of my dearest friends
How lucky I am to have them in my life
And as I heard their mouths speak
A teardrop escaped from my eyes

I am so lucky
So very lucky indeed

© altairsolaris