

If you’re independent,
emotionally distant,
or a bit narcissistic
then give me a ring
because it’s kind of my thing
and I’ll find you anyway.

I’ll knock on your door
and offer my soul.
You can give me that hard
cool look
and I’ll know
like a dozen times before.
I’ll rip out my heart,
lay it on the floor
so you can
stomp and kick
until I’m dead at the core.
I’m good at this -
won’t let you down.
I’ve had plenty of practice
at running aground.
Don’t try empathetic or emotional
there’s something inside me
craving rejection.
I’ll follow you around
without any pause,
I’ll heal all your wounds -
it’s been my life’s cause.

When you’ve finally taken
all I can give -
when there’s nothing left,
heart bled like a sieve,
you can put me out on the curb
by the trash
and I’ll hitch down the road,
no fear of backlash.
Then I’ll reissue this advert,
find my new drug of choice -
someone stoic and vacant
with a need to exploit.
I’m on my way - it’s this thing that I do,
surrendering my soul to the
demons of you.

© Laura DeHart Young