

Some men don't understand
The value of a good woman
They only see what's on the surface
But miss out on the depth within
They chase after shallow desires
Sex, money, and material things
But they fail to see the real treasure
The love and care a good woman brings
She sees you for who you are
Flaws and all, she loves you still
She stands by you through thick and thin
And helps you climb up every hill
She's not interested in what you have
But in who you are deep down
She wants to see you succeed
And will never let you drown
But some men don't realize
The importance of her presence
They take her for granted
And just focus on their own needs and wants
They don't see the sacrifices she makes
Or the little things she does
They don't appreciate her love
And it's something they'll later regret because
A good woman is hard to find
In this world of temporary pleasures
But when you have one by your side
You'll see that she is beyond measure
So don't let her slip away
Or treat her with disrespect
Remember the value of a good woman
And the love and care she'll never neglect
Because when you have a woman
Who genuinely cares for you
You have found a rare gem
And she deserves all your love and gratitude too
So open your eyes, dear men
And see the blessing in front of you
A good woman is worth more
Than anything else you could pursue.
© cynfully