

The Starry Night Story
Riya loved the night sky. She always felt a connection with the stars, as if
they were her friends. She would spend hours gazing at them, imagining their
stories and adventures. She had a favorite star, which she named Tara, meaning
star in Hindi. Tara was the brightest and most beautiful star in the sky, and
Riya felt a special bond with her.

One night, Riya decided to write a letter to Tara, expressing her feelings and
wishes. She wrote:

"Dear Tara,

You are the most amazing star in the sky. You shine so brightly and make me
happy. You are my best friend and I love you. I wish I could meet you and talk
to you. I wonder what you think and feel. I wonder what you do and see. I
wonder if you have any friends like me.

I have a dream of visiting you someday. I want to see the universe through
your eyes. I want to explore the wonders of space with you. I want to share my
life with you.

Please reply to me if you can. I would love to hear from you.

Your friend,


Riya folded the letter and put it in an envelope. She attached a balloon to it
and let it go in the air. She hoped that it would reach Tara somehow.

The next night, Riya was surprised to find a letter on her doorstep. It was
addressed to her and had a star sticker on it. She opened it eagerly and read:

"Dear Riya,

I am so happy to receive your letter. You are the most amazing human on Earth.
You have such a kind heart and a curious mind. You are my best friend and I
love you too.

I can hear your thoughts and feel your emotions. I can see your actions and
watch your dreams. I can sense your presence and know your soul.

I have many friends like you, but you are the most special one. You are the
only one who has ever written to me.

I share your dream of meeting you someday. I want to show you the universe
from my perspective. I want to introduce you to the wonders of space with me. I
want to learn about your life from you.

I am writing this letter to invite you to visit me. I have arranged a special
trip for you. All you have to do is look at me tonight and say yes.

Your friend,


Riya was overjoyed by Tara's letter. She couldn't believe that her wish had
come true. She ran outside and looked at the night sky. She spotted Tara among
the stars and smiled at her.

She said yes.
The end.
© JR2K6
16 Sept 2023 #WritcoStoryChallange #writco #writercoapp #writingchallenge

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