

Don't let anyone or anything put you down in life
We all have our life story. This is mine...As a young girl ..I let people put me down in life .Their negative words was like a blade piercing the inner core of my soul.. It took me years to recover from depression..and from their negative opinion of me ..God was My strength..God says in His word...what can man do to us...do not be afraid.

So today I have used people's negative remarks of me as a catalyst ...to inspire others and to let people know that in life we must arise...Don't let the world hinder your progress and from achieving your dreams.

When people say you can't achieve anything. You will account to nothing ..You use this as a catalyst as well .. to show those people ..that you can achieve your dreams ..that you will be successful and that you will not let them get to you...or put you down...in your life.

According to statistics this is becoming an issue..So many people become suicidal from what people have to say about them. Many lose their lives ..

Today I choose to arise and to continue my writing process ..May you do the same ..arise and achieve your dreams ..My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ went through similar rejection ...He was violently hit ..mocked ..humiliated. .but did that stop Him from being God and the Only true light of the world. Obviously not ...He still is God .. He is still what God created Him to be. ..which is also the Messiah and hope of the world ...so today have hope..the way Jesus did! Don't let anyone or anything put you down in life.