

How it began ....
I found this scribbled on the back of a tissue packet - it's a note I took in Barnet, London .... At the inquest into my brother Robin's passing. ".....It was explained to me, by a coroner that , a feeling of warmth, fuzziness and sleepiness would have engulfed the person's senses, euphoria and a total sense of peace ... And the "conscious" awareness would have gently be rocked to sleep..." Official cause of death - Accidental Overdose (#heroin) Xx

This is how my series of writings "Hero;in Addiction" began .....

My Journey Through Madness

Kristie Townsend

We will always love you Robin . ...

In dire straits- true love is shown
In the depths of despair - one learns who is there
In the darkest of times - isolation was grown
Free from judgement and criticism;
No man, Hero or not, can survive such a trial alone...

I found this scribbled on the back of a tissue packet - it's a note I took in Barnet, London .... At the inquest into my brother Robin's passing. ".....It was explained to me, by a coroner that , a feeling of warmth, fuzziness and sleepiness would have engulfed the person's senses, euphoria and a total sense of peace ... And the "conscious" awareness would have gently be rocked to sleep..." Official cause of death - Accidental Overdose (#heroin) Xx

This is how my series of writings "Hero;in Addiction" began .....

My Journey Through Madness

Kristie Townsend

We will always love you Robin . ...

© simplymagickal