

One time it was pink then it turned to blue then red..and now it began to change its colour faster.I pointed towards the wood and called my father.He was at the basement hanging ou with his friends.My father rushed upstairs and saw me standing still and my finger pointing towards the woods and he saw those colours too.Maybe he was as shocked and surprised as I was he didn't said anything.The ex army man inside him ordered me to get my mother and sister and go to the basement while him and his buddies rushed downwads to get their guns.I went to get my mom and sister.They looked like they had no sense of what was happening.They were as shocked and Confused as i was.I guided them toward the basement and asked them to stay there and I went up to see what was happening
I saw the reflection of those lights coming from the woods on our windows and My dad and his friends moved toward the woods in a formation which I have only seen on movies and heard only by dad's after beer talks.They were six of them Including my dad.They moved slowly but steadily like they don't know what lies in front of them may be they were going to face an Unknown enemy.One by one they disappeared into the forest and moments later Those lights stopped changing its colour and it was all but darkness inside the woods.But it was all of a sudden I heard a gunshot and the Same time I saw a Green flash like a Neon glow..More gunshots were heard and at first it was single round fire but later it changed to burst fire like they can't see their enemy.One after another i saw those green flash again and again.I counted them and there stopped my count at Six and the woods became silent.No sound of gunshot ever heard again.
Suddenly the whole forest began to glow this time with a single white light.And the whole ground began to shake like an earthquake.The next thing I saw shook my from my head to toe.It seemed like Large sphere a large glowing sphere rising like a sun from the woods and it hovered on top of the forest and slowly it moved toward our home.The trucks parked in front of our house flattened like a pancake like someone pushed it from above as the large sphere came towards me..and it hovered in front of me
I couldn't even move a muscle and my mind became blank and weightlessness followed it as the small gap opened and a White light coverd me like it was pouring all over me.I looked towards my hand and shocked to see my whole body became transparent like a thin fabric and I became one with the light.