

At one point in every man's life
they loved One girl.

Only One.

They were so in love or more accurately infatuated
that they discarded everything
their friends
their family
their work and mental health

you see,
they wanted to give this Girl the world
at the cost of their own
And when this Girl escaped
as they had to...

The man crumbled

He lost himself and every idea of love he had had been shattered

His heart grew cold
He either started destroying his muscles
or destroying his lungs
The pain was so great that he never truly recovered
He no longer opened up to anyone
becoming more passive aggressive with his brethen
and cold and demeaning to the women

That's what women like, right?
a cold-hearted, self-absorbed player?
The only time she likes a "nice" guy
is when he looks good in pictures

The man fell into despair
building his empire/
sinking into emptiness
launching his career/
quitting every job
gaining immeasurable wealth/
losing every single penny

And you know what, brothers?
I too am at such a low
prioritizing myself and my own goals
because the ability to empathize and truly care
causes too much wear and tear
The risk seems too great

And so,
I live alone
with a bunch of paper and an empty soul

© DolorTheDaimone