

Hide me from this world for just a little while.
As the night enveloped the room in its silent embrace, she found herself drowning in a sea of thoughts, unable to surface for air. Her heart weighed heavy with burdens she couldn't unload onto anyone else, not even those closest to her. She longed for solace, for someone to understand the turmoil within her soul.

In the quiet of her room, she reached for her journal, the only confidant she truly trusted. With each stroke of the pen, she poured out her deepest fears and insecurities, the words flowing like tears onto the page. But even as she wrote, the ache in her chest remained, a constant reminder of the emptiness she felt.

As the hours ticked by, exhaustion threatened to consume her, yet sleep remained elusive. Tossing and turning, she yearned for the comfort of a warm embrace, a safe haven from the storm raging inside her mind.

And then, in the darkness, a faint glimmer of hope emerged. A gentle knock on the door, followed by the sound of familiar footsteps. Slowly, hesitantly, she opened the door to find him standing there, his eyes filled with concern and compassion.

Without a word, he wrapped her in his arms, holding her close as she let out the tears she had been holding back for so long. In that moment, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders, the burden of her pain shared with someone who truly cared.

As they stood there, locked in an embrace, she knew that she was not alone. In his arms, she found the warmth and peace she had been longing for, a refuge from the chaos of the world outside.

And as the tears dried and the night turned to dawn, she realized that sometimes, all it takes is a single act of kindness to mend a broken heart. And for that, she would be forever grateful.

© keebo