

Oceanic Music Tales
As the world spins out
Of control, the Ocean's waves
Rush in with astounding
Sounds that hit the drums
Of our ears wiping away
Trillions of tears
With her symphony of sounds
That hit a baseline so hard
Have you bouncing and twerking
To a beat of multiple seas
That change with the seasons
Multiple electric sounds from
What seemed like an electric
Guitar that rings with tremendous
Affection for our souls
The Oceans Symphony
Is loud and proud
Hitting Earth's core
Come feel the ripples
Of sounds that can be found
In the depths of our Oceans
As the tectonic plates start to shift
Causing catastrophic playlists
Of multiple genres
From many generations
We crave the
Soundtrack she makes
Stars will flash
In synchronized harmony
To join in this concert
Of multiple sites and sounds
As the winds crash the waters
Into the banks
Creating symbols
By design like a drummer
Thumping his sticks
He keeps just in case
He ever makes a mistake
In life's great Oceanic Symphony
We always crave a quest
Of great success
To play in any great symphony
With rhythm and harmony
As the Oceans creatures
Dance to many uplifting beats
In the depths of our great Oceans

© The War Torn Poet