

The red sunset 5(End of part one)
"When our mother was pregnant with me, "he started slowly. Her family forced dad to marry before anyone gets to know about the pregnancy. He didn't have enough money at that time so the family agreed that he should do the traditional rites then later continue with the Christian rites. So after the rites our mother was allowed to stay with dad. 2 years later she gave birth to Maya. Dad had still not performed the church rites . Our grandma told us that on the day Maya was born, dad was called into the police service. Dad left mom for a few years to work in the northern parts of the country where gained fame and power. He also went into politics. He came back to finish the marriage rites. The date was fixed on Maya's birthday . On the d- day our mother had an accident and died on the spot but before she died she spoke with mom and told her that she should take care of her family for her. Mom's bestfriend was our mother and they had a striking resemblance so she was told replace her when our mother delayed only to find out later that she died . "Bro is this fiction or a true story ?" , Daniel questioned after he finished with the story. Brother James face was still blank, he was trying hard to hide his tears I could feel anger boiling up in him . He hated the fact that he had to lose his loved ones because of people's hatred and love for power. He vowed to solve the mystery. "How old where you when you lost your mama",Awusi asked with a lot of concern. "I was 4 and bro was six",I replied. Brother James 'abeg' tidy up the room for your mama. The tension in room reduced as everyone put on a smile. "This too shall come to pass ",I whispered.
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